Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Perfection's Plauge....

We all dream of perfect,
and are bound by those utopic visions.
Perfect life,perfect love,perfect job
the endless list to me it seems.....
But beguiled by perfection
we chase an impossible dream.
As the pages of life turns,
we hardly cared about our lessons learned,
all that was thought about,
 that the scores were second to none
We want our lives perfect
and have a notions for others perfection too,
Forgetting in all our ego and desires,
that they might have a notion too...
What's Right or what's wrong?
I never gave the right to judge to thee.
Why can't my own imperfection be perfect,
if it makes me all happy and glee?
My dreams are imperfect ,
yes imperfect i am,
still i wish for its acceptance,
And we are where we begun.......